LBH Padang and SPI: Plant Poisoned by Company, 5 Farmers Arrested by Police


Jum'at, 15/07/2022 13:40 WIB
The farming community consisting of mothers who are members of the SPI visited the West Pasaman Police Headquarters Photo SPI

The farming community consisting of mothers who are members of the SPI visited the West Pasaman Police Headquarters Photo SPI


West Pasaman, - Five palm oil farmers in Jorong Labuah Luruih, Nagari Aia Gadang, Pasaman District, West Pasaman Regency have been detained by the West Pasaman Resort Police since July 14, 2022 night. Of the five people detained, 1 was a woman.

The five residents were arrested on charges of committing a violent crime of mistreatment in public together. Detention based on Police Report Number: LP/B/128/V/2022/SPKT/Polres Pasaman Barat.

Of the 5 people detained there were 4 men and 1 woman. Detention in the aftermath of the incident on May 28, 2022, community reclaiming land that overlaps with the oil palm plantation of PT Anam Koto Blok K Jorong Labuah Luruih Kenagarian Aia Gadang, Pasaman District, West Pasaman Regency.

According to Decthree Ranti Putri, LBH Padang Public Advocate who accompanied these farmers, the location of the incident in the oil palm plantation area of ??PT Anam Koto covering an area of 711 hectares is an area that has been determined by the West Pasaman Agrarian Reform Task Force (TGTRA) Team on 27 October 2021. .

The TGTRA, which is chaired by the West Pasaman Regent, is implemented by the West Pasaman BPN and the OPD in West Pasaman Regency, based on the policy of the Agrarian Reform program which is the mandate of the 1945 Constitution Article 33 paragraph 3, followed by the Basic Agrarian Law Number 5 of 1960.

Previously, PT Anam Koto, which already had an IUP or IUP-B, was reluctant to issue plasma to the public.

"The plantation company's obligation to develop plantations of at least 20 percent of the total plantation area has not been implemented until now, so the farming community must struggle to recover their rights independently," said Decthree Ranti Putri in a release received by sumbarsatu, Friday (15/7). 2022).

He explained that the endless agrarian conflicts caused hundreds of farmers who were members of the Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI) based on Aia Gadang to occupy the location of the struggle around block K of PT. Anam Koto in West Pasaman since Monday, February 21, 2022.

"Farming communities have planted several trees in locations that have been proposed and determined as land areas for the object of agrarian reform," he explained.

Not long after the reclaiming action, he added, the company often damaged the plants planted by the community and damaged the cottages, and a series of acts of intimidation against the community were also often carried out by the company who was not happy with the existence of the community fighting for land rights.

He recounted, on May 28, 2022 at 09.00, the company entered the land area which initially sprayed poison on the grass, but the spraying of grass turned into spraying the community's plants which resulted in the plant being damaged.

“People who do not accept this action come to the company which is doing the poisoning of plants. Angry people tried to evict the company, but the company persisted until chaos ensued and ended up being reported for allegedly violating the provisions of Article 170 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code," he explained.

Akmal, Chairman of the Indonesian Farmers Union (SPI) Basis Aia Gadang said that this was the fourth time the company had done this to the farming community of Aia Gadang.

“The company carried out a series of acts of intimidation and damage to the Aia Gadang community's crops. Some of these actions have been, however, until now there is no clarity. We are trying to fight for and defend the rights to our land which we are trying to poison. We maintain our pride as farmers. We regret the non-objective and discriminatory action against the report we made by the West Pasaman Police," said Akmal.

Therefore, the Indonesian Peasants' Union (SPI) Basis Aia Gadang and LBH Padang urged to stop criminalizing the community. Farmers have the right to own land, not just companies. The government is obliged to provide living space for farmers, not just corporations. 

The five farmers who were detained were Wisnawati (32 years old) mother of two small children, Idamri (39) the head of a family with a wife and 5 children, Safridin (41), the head of a family with a wife and 3 children, Rudi ( 31), the head of a family with a wife and 2 children, Jasman (45), the head of a family with a wife and 3 children.

"The five were called as suspects and then detained on July 14, 2022 at eight o'clock at night," said Akmal.

According to him, very different police actions occurred in the police report number: LP/B/90/IV/2022/SPKT/Res Pasbar/West Sumatra Police dated April 13, 2022 in the alleged damage to plants that no action was taken.

Decthree Ranti Putri said that farmers often faced prison in fighting for their rights. In the development of PT Anam Koto's open palm oil plantations, it is suspected that human rights violations have occurred, including allegations of land grabbing and not being given plasma, causing farmers to have no land to farm and survive.

"Often what we see is that the government does not resolve agrarian conflicts so that the conflict situation continues to heat up and is detrimental to the community," explained Decthree Ranti Putri. SSC/MN
