Sabang, sumbarsatu.com—The Bright Sumatra Network for Clean Energy (STuEB) held an action at the Kilometer 0 point in Indonesia in Sabang, Pulau Weh, Province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. StuEB calls for and urges President Joko Widodo to turn off coal-fired power plants and switch to clean energy that is fair and sustainable.
There are 33 units of coal-fired power plants operating in Sumatra with a capacity of 3,566 Megawatts (MW). The government plans for the 2021-2030 Electricity Fulfillment Business Plan (RUPTL) to add 4,000 MW of coal-fired power plants.
While currently on the island of Sumatra there is a surplus of electrical energy of 40 percent or around 2,555 MW with a net capacity of 8,916 MW and a peak load of 6,361 MW.
The dynamic of the Bright Sumatra network for Clean Energy (STuEB), Ali Akbar, said that besides being the main contributor to the climate crisis with more than 40 percent, coal extractivism has also had a negative impact on the power plant area by polluting the air, soil and water.
"At the site level, residents have lost their livelihoods and jobs. The momentum in which the country through several schemes such as the 'Just Energy Transition Partnership' (JETP) and the 'Energy Transition Mechanism' (ETM) should prioritize PLTU in Sumatra which must be retired or stopped and no more new coal PLTU," said Ali Akbar in release to sumbarsatu, Friday (17/3/2023).
Meanwhile, the Dynamics of the Clean Indonesia Movement, Ahmad Ashov Birry, assessed that the Indonesian government and transitional acceleration schemes such as JETP must recognize the urgency of the transition, especially regarding the termination of the construction and closure of coal-fired power plants, which is based on the realities on the ground.
"Transition planning, in this case JETP, must be developed in consultation with the public, including with the people affected by the PLTU in Sumatra. A fair and sustainable energy transition can only be achieved with public participation and a bottom-up process," said Ahmad Ashov Birry.
A number of coal-fired power plants that are currently operating and whose negative impacts are felt by residents include the Nagan Raya coal-fired power plant, the Tenayan Raya coal-fired power plant, the Ombilin coal-fired power plant, the Pangkalan Susu coal-fired power plant, the Keban Agung coal-fired power plant, the Sumsel 1 coal-fired power plant , Sepang Bay Coal Power Plant, Sebalang Coal Power Plant.
Director of the Srikandi Lestari Foundation, Sumiati Surbakti, said that it was appropriate for all coal-fired power plants to be closed. Damage to the environment has a domino effect, one of which is causing poverty in the community at the local level, which in the end they are forced to enter into a circle of modern slavery.
"The coal power plant must be closed immediately because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice. As is the case with the people around the Pangkalan Susu Coal Power Plant in North Sumatra. People have lost their livelihoods at sea, crop yields have shrunk so that early retirement for the Coal Power Plant is a decision that deserves to be realized immediately as well as rehabilitating the destroyed coastal environment," explained Sumiati Surbakti.
In Aceh, the Director of the Association for Environmental Defenders (P2LH), Muhammad Fahmi said that there is no urgency to increase the construction of a coal-fired power plant in Nagan Raya, because Aceh's electricity status is currently a surplus of approximately 200 MW.
"Even if the reason is for reserves, in accordance with the current direction of Indonesia's energy development, then what is being built is not PLTU, but sustainable and equitable energy," said Muhammad Fahmi.
In Bengkulu, the Program Director and Campaigner for Indonesian Green Canopy Energy said that the Bengkulu Sepang Bay Coal Power Plant had to retire early because it had received a red proper, three times receiving sanctions from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for violations of environmental management.
"However, activities are still ongoing. The remaining ash from burning is disposed of carelessly, the hot water waste disposal pond is broken without repair," they explained.
In Pekanbaru-Riau, the Tenayan Raya PLTU has exacerbated the pollution that has occurred in the Siak River. "The government must take the right steps to save the Siak River, one of which is starting to stop the operation of the Tenayan Raya PLTU and switch to clean and fair energy," said Noval Setiawan from the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Pekanbaru.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Padang Legal Aid Institute (LBH), Indira Suryani, said it was time for the Ombilin Coal Power Plant, one of the oldest PLTUs in Indonesia, to be retired and the people's rights restored.
"PLTU Ombilin, which has been established since 1996, has had a negative impact on the health of Sijantang Koto residents in Sawahlunto and also the environment around the area," said Indira Suryani.
It is time for the emissions produced from fly ash and bottom ash or toxic ashes from burning coal to damage the human body and the environment for the benefit of the people.
"The closure of the Ombilin PLTU is obligatory to restore damage to the bodies of residents and the environment, which consists of land, water and air conditions in Sijantang, which are often mixed with coal burning fly ash. PLTU Ombilin must be prioritized to be retired as soon as possible, "said Indira Suryani.
The Director of the Community Network Concerned for Clean Energy (JMPEB) Lampung, Heri Maryanto, also called for the same thing, that PLTU Tarahan and PLTU Sebalang in Lampung are operating using coal sent by PT Bukit Asam in South Sumatra.
This has caused a lot of problems for the people living along the route, starting from respiratory diseases and itching due to continuous inhalation of coal dust and causing skin diseases due to water pollution.
In addition, it has an impact on the economy of residents who are in the PLTU site location such as fishermen whose catches have decreased or even no results because of the impact of hot water waste which causes an increase in sea surface temperature which is the cause of damage to marine biota. This is also experienced by seaweed farmers whose yields continue to decline.
Coal Mine Causes Lahat Floods
Not only that, coal mines have contributed to flooding in Lahat District, South Sumatra a few days ago. The Chair of the Padi Children's Foundation, Sahwan said that it is estimated that almost a third of the forest in Lahat has turned into a coal mine.
Dozens of mining permits have surrounded three districts in Lahat, namely West Merapi, East Merapi and South Merapi. Sahwan added that dirty energy should be stopped immediately for the sustainability of future generations.
Chairman of Clean Sumsel, Boni Bangun said that electricity in South Sumatra has a surplus of approximately 1,052 MW, so the Governor of South Sumatra should review the mine mouth PLTU development project in the area which is full of problems ranging from land acquisition to environmental damage.
"Referring to the national energy transition program, South Sumatra must start including EBT in regional development plans instead of spending more and more greedily on coal reserves," said Boni.
Meanwhile in Jambi Province, coal mining also creates problems for the people. The director of the Tiga Beradik Institute, Hardi Yuda, urged the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to address coal mining issues which have had a negative impact, one of which is the coal transportation problem which has claimed 112 lives due to traffic accidents and severe congestion on the Sarolangun-Jambi City route.
If the coal business only hurts the community and benefits a small number of groups, then the mining business and the PLTU development plan must also be stopped.
So for the safety of humans and the environment and the universe, Bright Sumatra for Clean Energy (STuEB) urges that: